Regular Events

Tai Chi and Qi Gong

Monday mornings 9.30-10.30

Tai Chi and Qi Gong improves your balance, co-ordination strength and flexibility. It’s a safe and gentle practice and extremely low impact so it can be done by virtually anyone. For more information and availability of spaces contact Brian:

Yoga and Meditation

Monday evenings 6.15-7.30pm

Steven and Min offer a functional and enjoyable 75 minutes of yoga and meditation. Many people believe Yoga and Meditation are outside of their reach, but we believe differently and hope you will come and explore endless possibilities of improved mobility, awareness of mind and body and relaxation.

Suitable for all levels of interest and ability.  60 minutes yoga and 15 minutes meditation.

Contact either: or

Tiny Tots Music

Wednesday mornings 10am-1pm

Music and singing classes for babies and children 4 months to reception class age. A relaxed and welcoming place where you can enjoy quality time with your baby and meet other parents too.

For more information see the website or contact Hannah Beach at and  07973 141101


Waldron Art Club

Thursday mornings 9am-12pm

We meet at the Lucas Hall, Waldron on Thursdays 9.00-12.00
A very friendly group who come from far and wide, we have a wide range of abilities, using media from watercolours to pastels, including acrylics, oils, inks etc..
We have a suggested weekly programme of subjects for guidance, but there is no compulsion and we can follow our own impulses and ideas as the mood takes us. Each year we have two or three workshops when a visiting artist gives us help and direction to try something new.
Coffee time is an excuse to wander round to see what other people are painting, exchanging help and advice to encourage and share our techniques and ideas.
Our year begins in September, so if you would like to join us please contact:-
Ray on 01435 408918 or Richard on 01435 865929.

Waldron Women’s Institute

2nd Wednesday of the month 1-6pm 

For more information contact Dawn Powling at phone 01435 867296

Inner Alchemy Qigong  class

Tuesdays 6-7 p.m

Qigong is a ancient practice that exercises all aspects of our energy.
Qigong is a journey into our deep innate relationship with nature and ourselves
Through working with the breath, movement, awareness and deeply relaxing flowing postures that mirror the movements of nature we are able to recognise and release areas of stress, tension and tightness held in the body. Whether mental, emotional or physical.
Returning to a place of feeling centred, grounded, energised and deeply relaxed.
Feeling harmony in our mind, heart and body.
Qigong is ideal for everyone.
Qigong can be modified and adapted to suit our own uniqueness and needs.
My classes are fun, friendly and vibrant.

For more information contact Rowana Mladek on 07813 218247